Tarot Spreads for Every Moon Phase
Tarot Spreads for Every Moon Phase
You’re a super-powerful person on your own. Your thoughts, the intentions you set, the meditations you do, and the rituals you create all send little vibrations right up into the universe. So when you combine your power with the abundant, magical power of the moon, you’re going to see your hopes and dreams manifesting faster and bigger than you ever imagined.
The moon’s energy changes as it moves through its cycle. Each phase has a special energy that you can tap into whenever you need it.
Combining your tarot practice with the moon will not only help you set your intention for the next 29 days, it will keep you on track with tailored guidance, encouragement and solid momentum for achieving your goals.
I wanted to write this article because for the last couple months, I felt ragged. I was so worn-down from lack of sleep and self-care that I felt like I had nothing left to give.
It was kind of my fault.
I was hustling to grow my online business while making sure I had other income coming in at the same time, and it was my self care that suffered. Big time.
I gained some weight, I ate food that was convenient, rather than nourishing, and I totally dropped my workout routine.
It was my moon practice that saved me. When I had very little I could count on in my life, I knew I could ALWAYS count on the moon. Four phases, every 29 days. Even on cloudy days, I knew that big beautiful rock was still up there, sending down its cleansing, high-vibe energy. When I started aligning my life to the moon, my productivity sky-rocketed. I got more done, AND had energy to get back to my self-care routine. It’s powerful energy, and it’s always there for you, every single night.
If you’re feeling the wear and tear of everyday life, give this moon tarot practice a try! Align your life to the moon with these four tarot spreads. Do each spread on the first night of each changing moon.
New Moon Tarot Spread
The new moon is a time for setting intentions and planning how you’re going to align yourself with those intentions for the next 29 days. This tarot spread is designed to ground and center you before you start going hard after your goals. Practice being still right now. Take some time to journal and connected with your intuition.
Card #1: What is my energy right now?
Card #2: What should I focus on during this lunar cycle?
Card #3: What is my full potential during this lunar cycle?
Card #4: What energy do I need to achieve my full potential?
Card #5: What action do I need to take to achieve my full potential?
Waxing Moon Tarot Spread
The waxing moon is the “make-it-happen” moon. The light of the moon is growing brighter every night, and the energy it’s sending down will help you move as efficiently and quickly as you want. Focus on action and creation during this phase. Spend lots of time on new projects and relationships. You might even consider taking a class to expand your mind and learn something cool!
Card #1: What is my energy during this phase?
Card #2: What energy do I need to keep my momentum going?
Card #3: What is my biggest challenge to achieving my goal?
Card #4: What is your greatest strength during this phase?
Card #5: Who can help me achieve my goal?
Full Moon Tarot Spread
This is the time to celebrate. Plan a party or even just a night of giving yourself extra love and attention. The moon is at its most powerful. Spend time taking a moon bath to soak up all of the moon’s magic during this special phase. If you have any rituals you’d like to do or a big action you’d like to take to make some serious headway on your goals, now is the time to do it! You’re unstoppable now.
Card #1: What do you need to celebrate today?
Card #2: What is your untapped spiritual gift?
Card #3: A message from your intuition, higher power, deity or spirit guide.
Card #4: How have you grown during this moon cycle?
Card #5: How will you continue to grow?
Waning Moon Tarot Spread
This is a moon of recharging and releasing. Once again, be still. Look at your life, and shed any habits that are no longer serving you. Do this without judgement. We all need to release things at one time or another. Just like the moon moves through its phases, it’s important for us to adapt to our ever-changing circumstances. Embrace the change. Flow with it. You’re aligned with a very ancient kind of magic, and you’re right on track.
Card #1: What is your energy during this moon phase?
Card #2: What is blocking your from stepping into your highest potential?
Card #3: How can you release this block?
Card #4: What fears can you release right now?
Card #5: Where in your life can you show yourself more love and self-care?
Use these tarot spreads for all thirteen moons of the year and get to your goals faster, all while staying connected to the magic of nature.