{Free Printable} How to Use Your Altar Cloth


The Modern Goddess Oracle Deck is designed for modern witches who want to weave magic into every aspect of their lives. It’s for anyone who is serious about their spiritual practice but needs a way to perform magic quickly, efficiently, and practically.

Altar cloths are a big part of my magical set-up, and this simple magical tool has made it easy to take my magic with me wherever I go. The altar cloth included with the Modern Goddess Oracle Deck is super-functional. It includes tarot and oracle spreads that tap into moon energies, personal development, and spellcasting.

If you're into DIY, download the Free Altar Cloth Printable and use it as a guide for creating your own altar cloth!

Here’s how to use your altar cloth or altar cloth printable!

The rectangles along the outside of the cloth are positions to place your tarot or oracle cards. There are five different ways you can use the suggested card positions.

Morning Ritual Spread

Card One: Today’s Energy

Card Two: My energy

This spread is a great one to create a daily ritual around. Do this spread every morning or evening to get a sense of the energy in the air on that given day as well as the energy you’re holding that day.

If you draw a card that freaks you out a little, take a deep breath and smile. It’s all good. Just pull another card as you ask the question, “What can I do to shift this energy?” Journal about your thoughts.

Magical Duality Spreads

Life is all about dualities, isn’t it?

Summer and winter, day and night , joy and despair, life and death. These next three spreads all explore the energy of duality and how it shows up in our lives. A goddess knows duality is not only natural, it’s beautiful. When we acknowledge and celebrate the light and dark sides of life (and ourselves), we are able to dance between worlds with grace and ease.

Goddess of Power Spread

Card One: Attract

Card Two: Release

This simple spread can help you claim your power through self discovery. Allow the cards to provide you with guidance regarding what kind of energy you need to call into your life, and what kind of energy you need to release. Staying in a specific energy for too long stifles growth—even if it’s a positive energy. Change is necessary to rise to your best self every single day.

Intuition Coffee Chat Spread

Card One: (Light) What energy am I consciously sending out?

Card Two: (Shadow) What energy is floating around in my subconscious?

The name of this spread was inspired by one of my favorite activities—getting coffee and chatting with my friends! Not to be a weirdo or anything, but my tarot and oracle cards are ALSO my friends!

The thing about good friends is they always tell you the truth—even if you don’t want to hear it. They usually have a good sense of what’s true because they know you and they can see your blind spots. This tarot/oracle spread explores the energies you are sending out both consciously and subconsciously. Your cards will tell you like it is. Once you know what energy you’re sending out, you can choose to change it or keep it going. This small ritual may have a big impact on your manifesting magic.

Moon Energy Spread

Card One: New Moon Energy

Card Two: Full Moon Energy

Use this card spread at the beginning of each lunar cycle to discover what energies the new moon and the full moon hold. This can help you plan your activities, rituals, and spells so you stay aligned to the moon all month long.

Spellcasting Card: A Witchy One-Card Draw

This I one of my favorite ways to connect with my inner power. There are two ways I go about this, and I invite you to try both to see what you resonate with best!

Option One: Shuffle your cards and ask, “What kind of magic do I need today? Draw a card at random.

Option Two: Look through all of your cards one at a time until you find one that holds kind of magic you want to perform that day.

Pick a card, and take a moment to look at it or read the card meaning.  Ask yourself, “what area of my life can I improve with this magical energy?”

For example: if you get the rose card, you may need to perform a spell to release emotional pain and forgive someone who wronged you. Or perhaps you need to perform a love spell, another meaning of the rose card. Maybe see that card and immediately realize you need to perform a self-love ritual, starting with buying yourself a beautiful rose bouquet!

Once you decide what magic to bring into your spiritual practice that day (or week), plan some time to make that happen! If you’re super busy that day, keep your ritual simple—like picking up flowers on your way home from work or lighting a red candle right before bed.

If you are using your altar cloth to perform your specific ritual, place the card on the Spellcasting Card position. Then used the elements of earth, air, water, and fire to strengthen your magic. The elements are located in the center of the altar cloth, represented with a symbol and its corresponding direction.

I hope you found this article helpful for your witchy practice! Thanks for reading, and email me at julie@magicalpowerwithin.com with questions, comments, or whatever!

Never forget, you’re powerful!

Have a magical day,

Julie xx

Julie Hopkins